Gospel Cohort


Gospel Cohort

During this interactive cohort, you will be encouraged, challenged and coached as you join in with others who are motivated to deep-dive into what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus in all things for all people. You will gain greater clarity of your personal calling so that you are equipped to effectively serve and lead on mission both within the church context and in the city where you live, work and play.

Location will alternate between the Hanestown and Salem Park locations. Childcare will be provided 

Dates & Times (Sundays, 4:30-6:00pm)

Jan 22 – Life Assessment (Salem Park)

God desires to do new work IN you and THROUGH you in 2023. Identify areas for personal development in 2023 and set goals to achieve desired results.  

Feb 19 – The Gospel Story (Hanestown)

Explore how God’s original story of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration redeems the brokenness of your story and restores your true identity.

Mar 19 – The Life of a Disciple (Salem Park)

Jesus said, “Follow me.” Dive into what it looks like practically to be a disciple of Jesus in all things for all people.

April 23 – The Four Practices (Hanestown)

Spiritual growth doesn’t just happen – it takes intentionality. Discover the four intentional habits of disciples and disciple-makers

May 21 – Gospel Fluency (Salem Park)

Every day we face experiences, information, trials, and people that can put our faith to the test. Understand how the power of the Gospel shows us how to navigate our circumstances by transforming our perceptions, beliefs, and actions.

Aug 13 – Gospel Saturation (Hanestown)

Nealy 75% of the people in Winston-Salem do not follow Jesus, but He says for us to lift up our eyes and see that the harvest is ready. Our vision is to be a part of a Gospel movement in our city and see a 10% decrease in lostness in our lifetime. Explore God’s plan for The Church of the city to reach every man, woman and child.

Sept 10 – Discover Your Calling (Salem Park)

God had made you a unique blend of personality, experiences, talents and interests. See how these things converge to reveal your purpose in God’s mission.

Oct 8 – Circle of Influence (Hanestown)

When God’s moves, he moves through all His people. Infuse your routine with purpose by discovering what it looks like to be on mission where you live, work and play.

Nov 12 – Developing & Leading Self/Personal Development Plan (Salem Park)

Take a look back at the victories, challenges and progress you made in 2023 and prayerfully craft a personal development plan as you identify God’s next steps for 2024.